Why some memberships cost money?


Last Update 3 years ago

In the beginning, we didn't have separate membership levels. Instead, we only had one and it was free, but during the first few years, it became obvious that some do not even require some services like landing pages. They just want to add their merch to our site and that's all.
As all our band landing pages are custom made, they also require time and work put on them. Adding content to our page also requires more and more server space when we keep adding new brands to our roster and this either isn't free. This is why we also charge for building and maintaining them.

Paid memberships also include warehousing services. Warehousing used to be billed separately, but it is now also included in both paid membership levels.

Profits gained from the memberships go directly to our expenses and anything extra will go directly into our marketing budget. That way you also gain more from us marketing your merch as we gain more bands subscribing to paid memberships.

If you have subscribed before June 10th, 2021. you will get a free Band Premium membership for a lifetime!

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